Sunday, November 13, 2005

Life And It's Intricacies

Man, can you imagine getting up early on a sunday morning & getting ready for the class when you should be sleeping nicely.Felt like shouting to god today as I had to do the same. If i would have known about all these harassments would not have joined MBA course. Still went to class with eyes loaded with sleep.Class was good in the sense that faculty teaches at the top of his voice which like a monster keeps the sleep away. Had my biz communication class today. I enjoy this class . You know whyb?????bcoz I get to know a lot of one liner. Like today :) what was that he told ?????Yup...... got it . "IF LIFE WOULD HAVE BEEN EASY EVERYONE WOULD HAVE BEEN A WINNER".Hmmm has a lot of validity. But is it the case ???? Do we feel that life is easier. Not at all. Life with all it's intricacies seems to be more difficult than the E=MC2 formula.The plight of an adult is more than that of a std. 1 child who has been recently introduced to algebra & has been asked in the exam to find the solution of a quadratic equation.The child can make nistakes & still reapper the exam but what about the individual who commits a mistake in the life. Does he or she get a second chance???Nopes . Remember life does not give a second chance. What we do is impromptue and once a mistake is committed it is done. We can learn that & move ahead & reapply that learning once we face that kind of situation. But I wonder if we face the same situation again and again in life.Huh heavy philosophy.... :). What to do ??? I have taken to Krishnamurthy's readings in a big way. Huh. Have to initiate my appraisal tomorrow. It is already 12 O clock & mama is tensed. What to do ??? I am also helpless. Let me c if I can help him out.Shashanka is bindaas guy. Had his share of enjoyment in evening & now he is literally to go.

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