Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Life is beautiful,But you never know when it throws nasty surprises

I remember one phrase "LIFE IS BEAUTIFUL".Any doubt regarding this??? No, not at all. But does this beauty last forever or it depends on the way you look at life. A soldier facing the bullet of enemies in the war field will surely give a kick, if this line is told to him.A person sitting with a huge bank balance & good house will always give an affirmative answer if the question is asked whether life is beautiful or not?? So see these are two indiaviduals who go through same cycles of life. Taking birth,living in a society,then facing death. But their response varies from one end to the other end.One thing is true for sure. Life is a celebration of experiences. No experience is good or bad in life. Every experience should be celebrated. Also one thing must be remembered here."Life gives only one chance for us to live". Then why to waste it in cribbing & thinking about the failures that we face sometime.It is already agreed that life is full of surprises,but isn't it enjoyable to face them. Can you feel the excitement when we were kids & had to appear for the tests.The excitement was palpable inside the school campus.But there was a difference between the pupil who was prepared to face any eventuality & pupil who didn't prepare well.So the student who prepared well had the last laugh & he was truly enjoying the excitement.But the other one who was less prepared didn't have the chance to do the same & was anxious. So to face the nasty surprises that life throws at us let uis be prepared & enjoy them. LET US SAVOUR LIFE BECAUSE IT IS TRULY A DESSERT

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